Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 8 Topics 1 and 2

Week 8 Topics 1 and 2

Q Topic #1 -- Benefits of Training and Return on Investment (ROI) Strategies Use at least two resources from the class.Topic #2 - Reflection on Course Outcomes Since we are at the end of this class, this is the perfect time to reflect upon the achievement of Course Outcomes. Please review the syllabus for the list of course outcomes. Considering the activities, assignments, etc., what course outcome has been most useful? What is one of the most surprising and/or valuable thing(s) you learned from this course that you did not know before or that you did not know you would study? How will it help you in the future? What would you recommend as an activity/assignment (or an improvement to an existing assignment)?

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I would convince the members of the training department that there has to be money spent adequately in providing adequate training facilities to every trainee. This is because any lack of facility to any trainee or incomplete training provided to any trainee can make the trainee unprepared for working in future with maximum efficiency and motivation. Moreover, the level of skill of the trainee can remain incomplete for which the work done by the trainee will most probably be inefficient or partially efficient. There When there is inefficient work done by the trainee, our company will have to face the consequences.